Back in the dojo
From Monday 17th May we will be returning to the Coronation Hall in Bletchley for all classes!
We will need to be socially distanced for the majority of the classes, but do not have a fixed limit on numbers so no booking system this time.
For w/c 17/5/21 we will be training on Friday 21st (rather than Thursday), other than this week, class times are as follows:
Monday 6pm - 7:30pm
Thursday 6pm - 7:15pm
Sunday 4pm - 5:30pm
Please read the following from WAKO GB explaining what we currently can do:
”ADULTS - will be allowed to train indoors as an organised group. Adult training is limited to phase 1 activities i.e. equipment use. This allows for pad work or the partnered training described in the Return To Play document. Note partnered training is glove to glove, physical contact between athletes is not allowed.
UNDER 18's - remain at phase 2 and are allowed to do contact. This means sparring, grappling and clinch work, close quarters self defense are all allowed.
Whilst social distancing can be suspended for pad work and sparring, clubs should ensure social distancing is maintained for all other activities such as warm ups, line work, solo exercises, bag work etc.”
This means that children can now spar with full sparring equipment (Gloves, boots, shin pads, headboards, etc).